IMPORTANT CHANGES TO BSA’S ADULT SUPERVISION POLICY March 2023 LEARN MORE ABOUT ADULT REGISTRATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN MEETINGS AND TRIPS Recently an update was announced for Scouting’s Youth Protection policies regarding adult registration for participation in Scouting events. The safety of our youth is the first and foremost priority of the Boy Scouts of America.
Please take a moment to read about these changes that will take effect on September 1, 2023. Units are strongly encouraged to begin following the updated guidelines now in preparation for the mandatory effective date, Sept. 1st.
The chartered organization representative, or in their absence the executive officer of the chartered organization, must approve the registration of the unit’s adult leaders. Registration includes:
Completion of application including criminal background check
Mandatory Youth Protection training
Volunteer Screening Database check
Current Youth Protection training that is valid for at least one year is required for leaders when renewing their registration or at unit charter renewal. Adults with expired Youth Protection will be suspended from serving as a volunteer.
Adult program participants must register as adults and follow Youth Protection policies. Adult program participants are Scouts ages 18, 19, and 20 and are found in Venturing, Sea Scouting, Exploring, and the Order of the Arrow.
Adult Supervision (Effective September 1, 2023) Two registered adult leaders at least 21 years of age are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader at least 21 years of age in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader at least 21 years must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided.
All adults staying one night or more in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult, fee-required position or as an adult program participant. Limited exception below for Cub Scout overnight Programs.
See FAQs for a list of adult fee required positions. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor does not meet this requirement, as these are no-fee registrations.
Cub Scout Programs – Overnight Exception: Cub Scout parents or legal guardians taking part in an overnight Cub Scout program with their own child or legal ward are not required to register as leaders. All adults must review the “How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” that can be found in the front of each Cub Scout Handbook. In addition, the parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by a registered leader at any time they are with youth members other than their own child/ward. All other adults staying overnight one or more nights must be currently registered in an adult fee-required position.